The Restoration of Hoglands – the home of Sculptor Henry Moore and his family

Hoglands is a Grade II medieval house in Hertfordshire, and was the family home of the Sculptor Henry Moore, his wife Irene and daughter Mary from 1940 and for the remainder of Moore’s life and career. We won a competition to restore the house, Hoglands, and the Etching / Top Studio, which was Moore’s modest work space where he produced many of the famous sculptures we all know today.


Our approach to this project was to restore the house back to exactly as it had been during the height of Moore’s career in the 1960s, so visitors can walk through and experience the home life of the Artist. This threw up various challenges, as some of the original materials and fittings no longer exist today, so we used specialists to make up replicas. The metal canopy strip light fittings in the Top Studio are one such example.


The Henry Moore Foundation restored the furnishings, much of which have kindly been loaned by The Henry Moore Family Collection. The gardens were restored by Yvonne Innes. The house and gardens are open to the public.


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